April at La Gonette

Bonjour from La Gonette, where spring is starting to wake up our beautiful gardens as we celebrate the start of April. The almond trees are budding and the fields are full of wildflowers. While we still eagerly await the blooming of the first tree peonies, we have been inundated with the most beautiful tulips thanks to our friends at Terre du Luberon.

Our month started with the Easter International Antique Fair in nearby L’isle-sur-la-Sorgue, where we were thrilled to unearth an exquisite early 18th century Florentine panel, which will be installed in our dining room. Sourcing treasures like this is a true delight as we add to the ever-evolving story of La Gonette with our restoration and design projects.

A walk in the almond grove.

Arranging our haul of tulips from Terre du Luberon.

Our latest find from the antique fair - an 18th century panel from Italy.

Programs and Events

 Our first cohort of guests arrive this week for our April immersion program! We have several exciting projects planned including the establishment of a medicinal herb garden, restoring the ancient aqueduct and fountains, and restoring our beautiful orangerie. We were blown away by the incredible diversity of skilled applicants for our April program and have selected a group of 12 extraordinary individuals from all over the world. We look forward to sharing what they create with us during their time here.

 In April we will also be running two public workshops to nurture creativity and contemplation: The Other Side of Silence is a one-day writing workshop led by Alice and the Heart & Science of Compassion is a weekend immersion led by Amy. We also have several free community events led by our wonderful April guests, including a children’s ceramic workshop and a talk on medicinal herbs.

As we start to plan our 2025 program, we are welcoming expressions of interest from retreat facilitators who are interested in holding retreats at La Gonette. We are also in the midst of designing our Artists in Residence program in collaboration with a diverse group of artists and creatives. We are currently taking expressions of interest for our Creative Advisory Group as well as from emerging or established artists and creators who would like to be interviewed to help us design the Artists in Residence experience.

 What we’re learning this month

Our garden plans for the next few months include designing a wildflower meadow and establishing our herb, vegetable, and cutting flower gardens. Under the guidance of our Head of Regeneration and Sustainability, Lou Nelson, and local garden expert Jean-Yves Meignen at Abbaye de Valsaintes, we are learning about the regional plants, seasonal planting and soil ecology to align our gardens with the principles of permaculture. Noel Kingsbury and Clare Takacs’ wonderful book Wild: The Naturalistic Garden is serving as a constant source of inspiration as we go about our design process.


As we develop our Artist in Residence program, we are also contemplating the meaning of art and beauty in a time where there is so much complexity and suffering in the world. Olivia Laing’s Funny Weather: Art in an Emergency is something of a revelation in this regard.

“We're so often told that art can't really change anything. But I think it can. It shapes our ethical landscapes; it opens us to the interior lives of others. It is a training ground for possibility. It makes plain inequalities, and it offers other ways of living.” - Olivia Laing

In describing the common thread underpinning the essays that the book comprises, Laing writes:

“What drives all these essays is a long-standing interest in how a person can be free, and especially in how to find a freedom that is shareable, and not dependent upon the oppression or exclusion of other people.” - Olivia Laing

It is these sentiments that also inform our approach to programming here at La Gonette, as we consider how our programs can be of most support to our local and global community. We always love to hear from you with any ideas you have about our impact and approach. Thank you for joining us on our journey!

With love,





La Gonette Summer Season